Friday, June 5, 2015

Introduzione to This Odd Thing Called Blogging

Hello all!

If you are reading this then that's fantastic and you're probably just my mom.

But if you aren't my mom, thanks for finding your way here and being mildly curious about my life!

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while as a way to comment on the outside world. I've been journalling since third grade, but I find that a lot of that stuff is just about me and not the world as it relates to other people and/or even myself.

I'm not going to make you any promises like "I'll post once a week" or "I'll edit everything" or "you're going to be super enlightened after reading my word vomit" but I do hope maybe you'll like what I have to say a little bit. If not, oh well I wasn't really trying to make you happy anyways so joke's on you!

With that being said, here's my blog. 


  1. I am keeping up with the adventures of sweet d this summer! Love you baby, love this blog. Me and zoe have begun to become adults and I can relate to your lonely post on a spiritual level.

  2. Word vomit, I may have to use that.
